Our cost management team advise clients across the UK on the financial considerations of their construction projects.  The team is committed to helping clients achieve optimal value from any project, while honouring the requirements outlined in the initial brief.

Our cost consultancy services

Our quantity surveying team delivers an end-to-end cost advisory service, which includes feasibility advice, benchmark analysis, cost planning, monitoring design development and pre-tender estimates. Our role also includes the management of the tender process including assembling tender documents, receiving tenders back, analysis of the same and providing recommendations to proceed.  We can also assemble contract documents to conclude the tender process.  

During the construction stage we monitor progress on site and provide regular reports on the anticipated final account including taking account of instructed and anticipated changes. We negotiate the cost of any changes with the contractor and prepare regular interim recommendations for payment. At completion we will agree the final account with the contractor.

Our strategic procurement advice takes account of all project considerations and agreed success factors. We work with our clients to create a procurement route that is not only suited to the requirements of their business, but also the specific project requirements and market conditions.

We are well placed to advise on procurement against a range of public sector frameworks and processes, having experience across the spectrum, including SCAPE, Crown Commercial Services (CCS), Buying Solutions and OJEU.

To find out more about our strategic procurement service, please click here >

Carter Jonas has a number of chartered surveyors who are experienced in providing development monitoring services working with both funders and borrowers. Services include initial development appraisal, construction phase monitoring and reporting, and distressed project due diligence and project recovery services.

To find out more about our development monitoring service, please click here >

An accurate and building reinstatement cost assessment is essential to ensure that, should a building incur damage from an insured risk, there is sufficient insurance cover to allow the insured to recover their loss.

Carter Jonas regularly provides cost assessments for both commercial and residential buildings for a wide range of clients and owners across all property sectors. Through our specialist knowledge gained from working with historic and listed buildings on a regular basis, we are also well placed to advise on these complex and specialist structures.

The chartered surveyors working across our UK office network offer a bespoke service to clients. They have a thorough understanding of the costs and considerations involved in all property types.

To find out more about our reinstatement cost assessment service, please click here >

The cost consultancy team at Carter Jonas have many years of experience in this specialist field, and work closely with other Carter Jonas teams to provide a fully coordinated and integrated service where appropriate.

Get in touch
David Wood
020 7529 1519 Email me About David
Matthew Ellams
Partner, Building Consultancy
0113 203 1092 Email me
Chartered quantity surveyor with over 20 years of experience

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