Promotion of Land north of Cambridge Road, Linton South Cambridgeshire
Table top with Loft style Interior Building Decoration
Bloor Homes Limited
Planning & Development
South Cambridgeshire
How we helped
Financial viability Masterplanning and urban design
Get in touch
Johnny Clayton
Partner, Head of Masterplanning
020 7518 3226 Email me About Johnny

Carter Jonas has prepared a vision document on behalf of Bloor Homes Ltd in order to promote the site for the development of circa 300 new homes and associated facilities on land west of Linton.

The Site is located within a highly sustainable location and therefore is considered suitable to support a landscape-led, mixed use development of new market and affordable homes and community facilities. The development presents the opportunity for delivering new sustainable development to complement Linton within convenient walking and cycling distance of the village. The proposal has the potential to support the delivery of a new, modern doctor’s surgery as well as an Early Years facility to benefit local residents. 

The site will also connect directly to the new Linton Greenway planned to connect Linton with Granta Park and other villages and destinations into Cambridge. The masterplan provides a strong landscape-led approach, supporting and enhancing ecology, biodiversity, natural play and sustainable drainage, while at the same time preserving the setting of existing Listed Buildings. The proposal has been put forward as part of the process of preparing a new joint Local Plan for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire. 

Our proposal included:

  • 250 new homes; 
  • A community health centre; and 
  • 10 hectares of new publicly accessible open space.

Linton framework plan