Carter Jonas' Richard Harris Achieves RICS Building Conservation Accreditation
Date of Article
May 16 2024

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Richard Harris
Partner, Building Consultancy
01865 404427 Email me

Richard Harris, a Partner within Carter Jonas’ Building Consultancy team, has become one of only a small number of professionals to achieve a RICS Building Conservation Accreditation.

This accreditation recognises and endorses his specialist knowledge and ability to provide the highest standard of work in the conservation of scheduled monuments, historic buildings and sites. It is recognised by all UK heritage funding and statutory organisations including the Heritage Lottery Fund, Historic England, local government conservation officers and local heritage and civic trusts.

Richard, who is based in the national property consultancy’s Oxford office, has over 28 years of experience in the industry, specialising in the heritage sector. He plays an integral role in the Building Consultancy team, which provides comprehensive advice and services across a project’s lifecycle, including property disposal, acquisition, fit-out and occupation.

With his unique focus, Richard is now leading the firm’s historic building conservation work nationally, with colleagues including Michael Holford in Leeds and Eloise Kench in Bristol, who have a deep interest and growing expertise in this area. Working on a wide range of schemes, they have recently been involved with conservation repairs and upgrading works at Worcester College, Oxford and Carlton Towers Estate near Selby, Yorkshire, and a programme with the National Trust upgrading residential lets.

To gain the accreditation, Richard submitted a detailed written submission, including a summary of his extensive heritage experience, a critical analysis of five case studies of his work on historic building projects, as well as an interview and assessment. He is the first person at Carter Jonas to have attained the accreditation.

Commenting on the achievement, Richard Love, Head of Building Consultancy at Carter Jonas, said: "We are very proud of Richard's achievement in attaining the RICS Building Conservation Accreditation. This recognition is a testament to his hard work, dedication and expertise in the field. 

“Over the past five years, our team has grown to more than 50 people strong, with a network working out of our offices in Leeds, Birmingham, Oxford, Cambridge, London and Bristol. As we have added service lines and strengthened our capabilities, Richard has played an important role in this progression, and his accreditation further supports and reaffirms our commitment to providing exceptional advice and services to our clients across the country."