Planning permission granted in Kings Lynn after we were appointed as lead witness in the appeal process
Date of Article
Jul 24 2020
Planning & development

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Paul Belton
Partner, Planning & Development
01223 326812 Email me

Our Eastern team, based in Cambridge, has successfully promoted land at Knights Hill through the local plan process with the land first being identified as a direction for growth within the core strategy and later as an allocation for 600 dwellings and associated uses in the Site Allocations Development Plan Document.

Following the allocation of the land, our professionals prepared and submitted an outline planning application for the development of 600 dwellings, a local centre and associated development. Having received an officer recommendation of approval, the application was refused by the Council’s planning committee because of local concerns in respect of highway impact and the effect of the development on the Grade 1 scheduled ancient monument of Castle Rising Castle.

We were subsequently appointed as lead witness in the planning appeal which followed, with Partner Paul Belton acting as expert planning witness on the matter. The appeal was contested by Public Inquiry and was later called in by the Secretary of State. The Secretary of State’s decision has confirmed that the development is acceptable, and permission has been granted.

Our client outlined:

“Carter Jonas provided an excellent witness. Paul Belton’s contribution to the landowners’ case at a recent inquiry in Kings Lynn was invaluable. He was meticulous in his preparation, and calm and clear under cross-examination. You could not ask for more.”

For further information, please contact a member of our team:

Paul Belton 
07796 148843