Cotswold District Council: Emerging development opportunities
Date of Article
Oct 30 2020
Planning & development

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James Bainbridge
01865 404437 Email me About James
James Cordery
01865 404478 Email me
Peter Canavan
Partner, Planning & Development
01865 819637 Email me About Peter
Steven Sensecall
Partner, Planning & Development
01865 297705 Email me About Steven

James is Chairman of Carter Jonas. Formerly Head of the Planning & Development Division, James advises clients on proposed development projects throughout the south of England with nearly 30 years of experience in residential and mixed use development.  This includes site identification, project management of planning and development strategies, valuation and viability appraisals, marketing and sale of development opportunities. He has specific expertise in option, promotion and other development agreements, joint ventures and landowner equalisation agreements.

Peter is an Associate Partner within our Oxford office. He has worked in public sector planning for a number of years and has been involved in the preparation, scrutiny and adoption of Local Plans, the consideration of planning applications and acted as expert witness in appeals. Since joining Carter Jonas, Peter has represented a variety of clients (including large scale developers, universities and public sector bodies) at Development Control Order (DCO) hearings, planning appeal inquiries and Local Plan Examinations in Public.

Steven is Partner and Head of Planning Southern Region and is based in our Oxford office.

Do you own land with development potential in the Cotswold District?

Cotswold District Council has recently launched a further ‘Call for Sites’ exercise to identify new locations for the development of housing, commercial property and renewable energy.

Sites submitted will be used as a part of a review of the existing Strategic Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (SHELAA) and will ultimately inform an anticipated review of the Cotswold District Local Plan 2011-2031.

The Council has confirmed that anyone who has previously submitted sites to the SHELAA should reconfirm their land’s availability.

This is an open invitation to landowners, developers, and community groups, who are interested in having land considered for a range of different uses, to submit specific information on sites they would like assessed. It will require the preparation and submission of a written representation, together with an appropriately scaled OS map showing the boundaries of any sites submitted.

The Council suggest that this step is not related to any proposed changes to the national planning system, but it should now be noted that the Government’s recent consultation, ‘Changes to the current planning system’, proposes an increase in the District’s housing target from 430 to over 1,200 additional homes.

As such, opportunities will emerge from this process for housing and commercial development. If you own land with potential for development within the district, get in touch with our planning and development experts.

The deadline for submissions is Friday 13 November 2020.

This may represent your opportunity to start to realise development on your land.

We have experts dedicated to helping landowners secure planning permission for development and we have an excellent track record in helping landowners across the Cotswold District. For further information, please contact a member of our team.